What Do Our Masters Have Planned?


The MasterPlan?

Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.

    - George Orwell    

    The Covid 19 pandemic was a fraud. Viruses do not exist but even it they did, this "virus" was no where near deadly enough to warrant all the lock downs and mandates that were imposed upon the world population. So what was the pandemic really about? In my opinion, it was first and foremost, a test. Would they be able to get the masses to go along with whatever was decreed even if it meant a curtailment of rights and liberties? No problem there. Secondly, it would serve as a mechanism to bring about health passports or certificates that will be required if one wants to move about or even to take part in normal day to day activities. Okay, so what does this have to do with Agenda 2030?

    Agenda 2030 on the surface sounds good but is really a sleight-of-hand distraction that will be used to carry out the establishment of a system similar to what China has. A system of authoritarian control using digital identities and some kind of social credit system to completely control the masses. Vaccine passports will be used to ensure the maximum number of people are given the maximum number of vaccines, including the all new mRNA shots. Agenda 2030 will be used to establish consumption targets like reducing the consumption of animal foods and increasing the consumption of grain, vegetable, processed and lab foods. It will be used to restrict mobility. It will be used to eliminate private property rights. It will also be used to go after small and independent farms and curtail livestock operations. One desired result will be a more sickly populace. They will seek medications that will make them even sicker and more dependent on the medical-industrial complex. But why?

    They want to drastically reduce fertility rates. They want to increase sterility. They want to increase the growth rate of deaths and decrease the growth rate of births. The population growth rate has been dropping (less than 1.0% today) and the rate of drop has been increasing the last few years. This will push the population growth rate into negative territory. Instead of population growth we will get population half life. In other words, they need to reduce the world population quickly. But why?

Limits to Growth 1972

    A report for The Club of Rome by researchers at MIT was produced in 1972. The above chart is a representation of their findings. A line drawn straight up from the 'i' in pollution is roughly where we are today. The chart has so far proven to be quite accurate.

    I think our masters would have known about this predicament but, if not, this would surely have gotten their attention. I think they took it to heart. They could see the obvious. Get the population curve below the resources curve and you will approach sustainability. The problem though, is population control and reduction are taboo subjects to pursue and, until very recently, it would have been a tough sell. There was still plenty of excess energy available in the system for economic growth to continue for decades but population reduction might lead to economic decline. Hard to get elected officials on board. Instead they put plans in place to steer more wealth in their direction. Planned some more and waited. For what?

    They waited for world oil production to peak. This happened in about November 2018. By this time our masters now owned the lion's share of the world. They were now much more powerful and influential. Many of their stooges held political office.  Also, by now excess energy in the system is diminishing. The world's economy is breaking down. Financial band-aids (like debt creation) won't keep things together much longer. Time to put their plans into play (some are already in play e.g. Agenda 21, SDG scoring, social unrest and a widening divide between rich and poor). So, time to murder people?

    No. Many think the Covid jabs are designed to kill and while an argument could be made for that, I don't think so. Mass murder is probably too unpalatable for most folks to get behind, even if they were convinced it was necessary to save humanity. Better to just do more of the same except take it up a notch. If people get injured or die because of the experimental injections it's just collateral damage. It's sad but it will help increase the death rates. Corruption has already done a great job of making people unhealthier and dependent on drugs both legal and illegal. Quality food is getting harder and harder to come by. Population growth rates and fertility rates are already dropping. The medical system is corrupt. Mainstream media is corrupt. The political systems are corrupt. Regular folks are too busy running the rat race to figure out what's wrong, let alone do anything to try to fix it. Just keep making people sicker (and make it desirable and easier to off themselves); encourage and even force the use of pharmaceuticals; disrupt the food supplies to make it harder to obtain quality, nutritious food; make people poorer; and the problem soon takes care of itself. How?

    Employ the same tactics that have worked time and again throughout history. Use propaganda, corrupt authorities, fear, social unrest, psychology, bribery and outright lying to manipulate the populace. They will use any crisis, natural or human caused, real or imaginary, such as epidemics, weather events, acts of violence, political tensions, global warming (is the planet warming? are we the cause this time?) to raise the fear levels. They will use health passports to force more toxic chemicals in our bodies under the ruse of public safety. They will try to force you to eat foods that are not as healthy and plentiful calories may be hard to come by. They will continue to push more people into the ranks of the poor. They will foster more social unrest. Well, you get the picture. Not sure how this will work?

    All the measures they put in place will ultimately create a population half-life. Many don't understand the powerful nature of exponential growth, or decline. If our masters can achieve a decline of 2%, the world population will be half of what it is today in just 36 years. Three percent and we are down to 4 billion in just 24 years. War, suicides, famines and even the baby boomer die-off will help increase the death rate. Sterility, lower fertility and higher infant mortality rates will lower the birth rates. More exposure to toxins and pollution increase death rates. Malnutrition and poor quality food effects fertility. What's the end game?

    Hard to say but I would guess our masters would like to get population down to 1 billion or less and have total control to keep it that way. It will probably be a 3 tier society again. A privileged class, a managerial/enforcer class and a peasant class.

     I could be wrong about a thing or two or about all of it. We are serfs in a long established system set up and run by the wealthy families and their institutions. Facts are incredibly difficult to acquire. There are no experts. Just my observations but it's worth noting that population reduction is not a target in any U.N. agenda. It's not even mentioned. This, despite the fact that population reduction would help in every way and population growth makes everything worse. Things that make you go hmmm?



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